For over five years now, since the beginning of its history I have been playing SWBF2, in which I have seen just about everything imaginable. I have seen powers rise and fall, and rise again, I have seen and fought in wars and battles, fought side by side and against most of the greatest players that have passed through this game. I have been involved in I don’t know how many feuds, declaration of wars, arguments, peace negotiations, internal feuds and peace accords.
I have seen JOG cycle through being the most dominating force in the game, to seeing countless clans formed from our departing members, to us fighting wars, to our own civil wars, to us rebuilding to us dominating yet again.
When I first started playing the game, I thought clans were basically, a joke. I was heavily recruited by some friends of mine who knew of my skill in swbf1 to be in a conquest clan. I declined. And I never took to conquest in swbf2. I did however take a liking to Jedi.
I started playing the game originally as a count dooku, along with a very novice obi wan. The games were different then. If you were on villains you got crushed. Choking was a horrible nightmare to accomplish and pulling was the norm. It wasn’t until I ran across a guy name Chicali, who I never spoken to, but we took to defending one another in game, and fastly we became a force to be reckoned with.
The day we both got on a mic together was the day JOG was formed. And it was the first clan to really be built upon being mainly an assault clan. There were clans that had solid Jedi fighters, such as SWA and DSA, but they focus more heavily on conquest. DSA a true empire of the game had servers of every style imaginable for every aspect of the game.
Upon forming JOG, we went right to work going after DSA. The feud erupted in war, a war in which saw the idea of assault being an accepted part of the game, and not ridiculed by established clans and a war of a large clan against the small one. In the end the war ended in a draw, but we won that respect so much the up and coming assault community deserved.
JOG didn’t actually fight its first official clan match in assault until late June of 2006, two months after we were created. It was a no force match, against GW. Our first actual scrimmage was in conquest actually, we fought ice to a draw 3 maps a piece. Eventually from our ranks and a few outside clans, the assault community grew into something huge and strong. There was lots of action, lots of wars, battles, and individual and team glory. This was a time in which I refer to as the Golden Age of the game.
During this time I made so many great friends, friendships that have lasted with me to this day. I could not have had more fun doing anything else at this time in my life.
For two years JOG dominated the landscape. We played every known clan there was and beat them all. (Except for SOR in which a clan battle never was able to get off the negotiation floor . . . however we did give them one of their two loses in conquest!) In the beginning of 2008, after JOG defeated Ninja, JOG retired from active battles in swbf2.
And so began our phase into Call of duty 4. A game in which would see JOG reach to the top 20 in the game battle world rankings.
However by June of 2008, I began to miss my star wars days. I was a star wars fan at heart and so I decided to go back and start playing for fun. There were a few players that remained as hold over’s to the game from JOG’s past in swbf2, such as Mr. Barney, Red Venom and Jub Jub. But there wasn’t much besides that. And so the long rebuilding process began.
By this time other clans and other powers had taken root. Powers such as LSJ and FOG, but the community as a whole, as clans were concerned wasn’t all that deep. There were calls, many by LSJ to see JOG come out of retirement. Many cried out saying we were hiding behind our former record, and that we knew we would get beat if we played. The fact of the matter was, the clan was different, and even if we were to be beaten at that time, it never would have tarnished our record from the past. For those players no longer played. In all honesty we were there to get better and have fun and that was really it.
Internally we sought to bring in leaders of the past from other clans to help solidify our ranks with quality members who would help lead us in a variety of games. And so it was. Leaders such as Mastaisac, Leonardo, Mo and almost entire clans were brought into the fold, as we grew in upwards of almost 80+ members. These members of course were not all on swbf2. In fact most of them were not.
Come 2009, a civil war began to brew. A war basically that was a rift between how I wanted to present the clan and Chicali’s view of how he wanted to present the clan. I was still heavily involved in swbf2, Chicali in cod. Sadly there was a split. And two JOG’s emerged.
In April of 2009 nation of JOG was born, a name used in reference to us in many of our old holonet news reels. Soon we started doing matches again, albeit quietly. This was only done, to allow those players who never fought in the glory years of JOG to see some action. We played some clans, and did not lose. At one point, we might have even had the best clan in the game, but it was not bragged about nor really written about, for our days of pride and gloating really had been buried in the past. We soon retired yet again, this time not to the fan fare of 2008, but quietly as we began to look at new games to play.
Meanwhile in the swbf2 community since basically the middle of 2008, JOG was not a very much liked clan. It was almost posh not to like us actually. But that didn’t really faze us. Many of the players, who hated us, didn’t know us from our past, and what they did learn of us it was only second hand by those who had their own ideas about us and commanded a wide audience’s attention. The masses might have not liked us, but in fact the clan was never stronger internally. Loyalty and friendship was the focus. It gave us great strength so much so that we outlasted our detractors hate for us in the end.
In 2010, new ideas began to sprout around JOG, a new energy began to fill our ranks for swbf2. Taking the advice form some of our newer members, new recruits started to fill our ranks, recruits who were faster, stronger and more energetic than before.
The only thing was, I was beginning to slow down.
When I started JOG I was barely 25 not yet married. In June of 2010 my daughter was born. And my life has not been the same since. I knew with her birth my time in the community was drawing to an end. I could not give the same time and energy to the clan, nor the community that I once had.
In august of 2010, the Nation of JOG made the decision to reunite with teamjog, a decision that saw JOG become whole once more. A first step that I knew I needed to make to begin to whine down my career.
The months continued to go forward and slowly we continued to bring in new talent. There was no real drive behind this, more so just to see a new breed of Jog take root and watch it have fun developing.
By March of 2011, I was done. The only thing I was waiting for was April 1st, to announce JOG’s 5th anniversary. The following day I was going to announce my retirement from the game. There was nothing left for me to do. And the idea of retiring on the anniversary month of JOG seemed like a good place to end it for me. But it wasn’t to be.
A topic in the private forums of JOG made me realize there was still one thing left to do. And that was to allow the new era of JOG to begin. New leaders were needed and new council needed to be formed. After careful discussion they were elected. And on May 1st the new era of JOG began, an era that saw for the first time a council with out myself leading it. I moved myself and other past JOG greats to elder status, and the new leadership began.
The new council immediately sought to bring a more active life into the clan, and what seemed almost like fate, JOG brought in a few new faces and it took off. But what I didn’t realize was that there would be bumps in the road and the new leadership and the clan for that matter needed time to adjust to the new way of life around the Nation. It forced me, to actually become more active than I had been in years. By the end of the month we hit our stride.
Since May JOG has fought and won countless battles. We haven’t won them all, as we have mixed and matched our lineups including every one we could. However there was no doubt in any of our minds that our main line up could beat those who were left in the game. During this time I even found myself doing a few battles, something in which I didn’t think I would do any longer. My last battle was against LSJ, a victory for us. And I can not think of a better clan to end it against for myself.
Jog’s VIP server during this time has been a huge success, our web site a force in the community. We have crushed clans spirits to play us, and some clans even have refused to battle us now, in fear of loses on their main records. It’s rather funny how that works.
For me and perhaps me alone, JOG has come full circle.
New clans are sure to be born, or clans reformed, battles will be fought, with victories, loses, great days and bad days sure to come about. But that’s for the New Era of JOG to find out and live.
But for me. . . my time has come.
Last Friday I had a discussion with Mastaisac, over the phone stating to him that indeed it was time to finally let this all go, that I had seen JOG rise once again to a dominating form and that it was time to retire.
On Saturday, I informed the JOG Senate and the members of JOG of this decision.
And now publicly, after five years of my life of playing this game, I announce to you all that I am indeed retiring from swbf2, its community and the game itself.
I have had a wonderful time playing this game. And I thank you all for the ride. I never thought I would have lasted this long in this game. And I can only say I have everyone I have crossed paths with in this community to thank for making it happen.
There are too many people to recognize each and every one of you here and now over the past 5 years to name. But there is a few that stand out, who I would like to say something about, as this will be my final long ass speech in this game. Lol
First the enemies:
Super Duper and SDJ: You guys were the perfect villains for our holonet reports. Super Duper you were the perfect sith lord. We hardly ever saw eye to eye on anything, but you meant a lot to the game, and a lot to JOG. You guys were great for the game and no one can take that from you all.
LSJ, LAK, Kratos: You guys are one hell of clan. You have always been a tough team, one of the best the game has ever seen. I think you guys were just forged in the wrong era. You guys would have loved the golden age of the game. LAK, Kratos you guys are one of the toughest tandems I have ever seen play the game, and I have enjoyed our political battles of one up menship. You kept things interesting for myself, even through my time away form battle. If you guys weren’t around, I probably would have ended this all years ago. I am glad we settle many of the issues we once had, and in my mind leave on good terms. Best of luck to you guys, where ever you go and do.
Sinister: What can I say? I have never seen a person hate JOG more in my life. What we ever did to you I will never know. Perhaps we weren’t real enough for you, so be it. But I have enjoyed every minute of the feud. You have had some valid points in your arguments, and twisted others to your liking. Just like JOG has in its life time. In the end, with all past behind us, I am glad we have had time to mend some of those bridges. We might not always see eye to eye on everything, and I am sure somewhere way down the line we will once again stand toe to toe against each other in the walls of diplomacy, which is totally fine by me . . . but I want you to know in some weird twisted fate, through all the immature things you have done, and the anger vented towards us. . . in which I have no idea how it has happened, but you have earned my respect and in fact I even might kinda like talking to you from time to time now. Best of luck to you in what ever you do.
Now my friends:
Please know that there are just too many of you for me to mention all of you by name. Just know you all have my respect and friendship, and the times we have had together are some of the best of my life.
But I will name a few. . .
Mr. Clean - I truly enjoyed all of our drunk times playing Jedi together. So many laughs, such great times. I am extremely happy to have met you and to this day know you. Our main line up of you me, frantic and chicali will always be for me the bests of the best!
Rand Talor - there is no one I have fought more matches with in my time playing this game. We never lost battle, and you were one of the best apprentices a master could have. In the end it can only by described in saying. . . it was fun!
Deity – in my time playing I don’t think I have conversed more with anyone on any matter more than you. Our friendship goes outside the lines of swbf2, as we have talked about so much more than a game can fill. And your panthers still need a lot of work!
Mastaisac - The guy I would trust the clan to any day of the week! I can not say I respect anyone more than you in this game. You are wise beyond your years and your friendship means more to me than you know. There was a reason why I told you first that my time was up and that it was time for me to go. Simply stated, there is just no one better I have come across in this game who exemplifies all that is great in a person.
Neji – The Anakin to my Obi Wan. And true to form you are far greater than I ever could be in this game. You have turned to the dark side and to the light and back to the dark and to the light again. Your path is your own now. You control your destiny. You once spoke to me about how you feel you are a great player but yet no one thinks you as one of the greatest of all time. Here is the truth to the matter. No matter how much skill you possess, greatness comes not from it. Greatness can only be found in the friends and company you keep. You have great friends around you now. You are apart of one of the greatest clans this game has ever seen, trust in them and they will you. The sky is the limit for you . . . just don’t over do it! Lol
Frantic – My original padawan. We were apart of the greatest clan in the great part of this game. In 2009 I would have quit playing if it were not for you. Your practicality was always so much needed in my world of imagination. You made me a better person in this game and in life. I thank you so much for that! And crushing SWA together was just the best!
And finally Chicali. . .
Where would I be now if I had never met you? You are the reason why I am here today. You at times have been my best friend in this game, and at times the most stubborn most irritating guy I could know. I wouldn’t change it for a second. We created a legacy here. . . I look forward to continuing it in other aspects of the gaming world!
And so now this all comes to an end. This is the longest speech I have ever given. And I feel it fitting that it be my last to this community. It’s been so much fun, I have enjoyed it all and I can’t say thank you enough for it!
To the past, to the present and to the future. . . Long Live JOG!!!
May 17, 2020